Nurturing Sustainability, Elevating Surgical Excellence

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CHAINGE is a European association committed to supporting operating theatre professionals to reduce carbon emissions, improve surgical textile quality, and improve supply reliability. It is our aim to reduce the amount of disposable surgical fabrics to a bare minimum. The momentum is now to create more awareness of the huge quanities of waste disposable materials post-surgery. Chainge believes in the future of reusable alternatives and is ready to prove the quality has never been better.

Supply Chain

Where do I stand?

On its own, a hospital cannot address all parties needed for the use of reusable surgical gowns and drapes. Who are the parties needed to make this reusable system work and where do you stand in the supply chain of reusable technical textiles?

ONE reusable technical gown can replace ONE HUNDRED disposable gowns

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Latest news

Collective of volunteer

The group members are a collective of volunteer stakeholders whom jointly make active promotion of reusable technical textiles (RTT). Each associate company has a strong link to the RTT supply chain and valuable expertise, amongst them:

✓ fabric suppliers

✓ confectioners

✓ equipment suppliers

✓ self-adhesive component manufacturers

✓ detergent suppliers

✓ industrial laundries

✓ central sterilization service departments