About us

CHAINGE is a European association committed to encourage change in operating rooms across Europe. The group members are a collective of stakeholders willing to cooperate in the active promotion of the use of reusable technical textiles (RTT).

Our mission is to create space for discussion, streamline our ideas, openly share doubts and concerns to reach one common goal: increase the use of RTT systems in operating rooms and clean air suits. 

As a dedicated member of the European Textile Service Association (ETSA) we provide a platform of expertise and inspiration to execute common activities leading toward a higher perceived value of RTT.

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The supply chain of reusable technical textiles

On its own, a hospital cannot address all parties needed for the use of reusable surgical gowns and drapes. Who are the parties needed to make this reusable system work?

of microfibres
of laminates
products supplier
Equipment supplier
Manufacturer of
hygiene chemicals
Laundry services are the
driving link

Laundry services is a key position to supply hospitals and keep the sustainable system running and maintaning and creating local working places

Our industry needs to approach the market with a common message and the momentum is now. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the need for local sustainable solutions and shorter supply chains. We must no longer accept multinational companies of disposable medical textiles destroying the infrastructure of sustainable circular economy. Together with ETSA we aim to convince politicians that disposable medical textiles are also plastics and to include the conversion to RTT systems in the European Green Deal.

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Laundry services is a key position to supply hospitals and keep the sustainable system running and maintaning and creating local working places
CHAINGE is a good green deal

CHAINGE is a good green deal

  • lowest carbon footprint
  • sustainable circular economy
  • supports local economy and employment
  • eleminates cross contamination
  • best cost efficiency solution
  • highest comfort for OR team and patient